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Strategic Competitive Analysis: Techniques for Product Marketing Success

This post provides practical recommendations to systematically gather and evaluate critical insights about competitors and rank them by threat level. This can help focus your product, sales, and marketing resources where they matter most. Whether you’re facing new market entrants or reevaluating your competitive landscape, these approaches can help you stay ahead.

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How to identify the right price point in B2B markets

One of the questions in B2B go-to-market strategies is: What is the right price point for our offer? This post provides a high-level overview of standard pricing research techniques that can identify the market’s willingness to pay for your solution.

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Identifying the Best Win/Loss Approach for Your Company

What is the best win/loss approach for your firm’s needs and objectives? Like advertising, there are many flavors of win/loss research. This article provides guidance on how to approach win/loss research based on your objectives, who is driving the research, and the nature of your deals.

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Mastering your B2B ICP

This post describes why an effective Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) enhances sales cycles and conversion rates by helping focus sales, marketing, and product strategies on the companies most likely to buy. It discusses the challenges marketers face when information is insufficient or scattered and offers some suggestions for ways to fill in the informational gaps.

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5 Tips for Creating Compelling Messaging that Differentiates in a Crowded Market

Creating compelling messaging in a crowded market is a critical challenge for product marketers. This blog provides five essential guidelines to help you craft messages that stand out and resonate with your ICP. This includes ensuring your messaging is relevant, emotionally engaging, unique, credible, and authentic.

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Beyond Buzzwords: Making AI Matter to Your B2B Buyers

Using AI as key component of your messaging strategy will only add value if customers understand the value the addition of AI to your solution benefits them. In our research we find that most customers are not able to make this leap and connect the dots. For AI-related marketing to resonate with customers, it must go beyond the novelty of AI and demonstrate how it enhances the solution for the customer.

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Redefining Losses: How Accurate Classification Transforms Sales Insights

This post addresses the challenge of accurately identifying true losses in your Win / Loss program. It outlines how misclassifications can occur—such as buyers in early research stages, predetermined decisions, or misaligned buyer segments—and the impact these inaccuracies have on your interpretation of the data.

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Beyond Willingness to Pay: Incorporating Contextual Factors in B2B Pricing Research

This article explores the complexities of determining willingness to pay (WTP) for products and services. It underscores the necessity of including contextual questions in surveys and discussion guides to glean more insightful data and make more informed pricing decisions.

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7 Proven Tips to Deliver Actionable Market Research Insights

Struggling to turn market research data into actionable insights? This guide shares 7 proven tips from Isurus’ 20+ years of experience to deliver findings that drive real business impact.”

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How to Name a Product: A Guide to Creating Effective Product Names

Naming a new product is a crucial step. A good name can communicate the product’s value proposition, differentiate it from competitors, and create a positive association with customers. But how do you find a name that meets these criteria and resonates with your target audience? That’s where market research comes in.

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