Quantitative Research
Quantitative research answers the “how many” questions and provides data that can be projected onto the broader population with analytical confidence. It is used for measuring brand awareness and equity, market sizing, product development, and customer satisfaction. Quantitative data enables the use of statistical tools and models that can identify hidden trends in the data.
Quantitative methodologies include
Surveys: Surveys ask buyers and influencers questions using pre-defined response options: ratings, rankings, multiple-response, etc. Most surveys are conducted online using online panels of screened and qualified B2B professionals. Some B2B audiences require a telephone survey to collect the data because the audience is too small, the decision maker is too senior, or the topic is too sensitive to use in an online approach. Some studies require a combination of the two survey approaches.
Internal Database Analysis: Internal databases often store data in silos and provide summary reporting tools. Analyzing existing data using more sophisticated data analysis tools can explore correlations and identify trends that do not surface in standard dashboard summary reports.
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