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How to identify the right price point in B2B markets

One of the questions in B2B go-to-market strategies is: What is the right price point for our offer? This post provides a high-level overview of standard pricing research techniques that can identify the market’s willingness to pay for your solution.

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Mastering your B2B ICP

This post describes why an effective Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) enhances sales cycles and conversion rates by helping focus sales, marketing, and product strategies on the companies most likely to buy. It discusses the challenges marketers face when information is insufficient or scattered and offers some suggestions for ways to fill in the informational gaps.

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Content Marketing Surveys: Advice for Using Survey Data to Show Solution Effectiveness

Can B2B users of more robust or advanced solutions have lower self-reported performance scores than businesses that use simple or good-enough solutions? The short answer is, “Yes.” And this can throw a monkey wrench into content marketing efforts that use survey data. This post talks about what drives this surprising outcome and how to mitigate it with survey design.

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Four recommendations for bringing an AI product to market

Isurus’ perspective on AI-enabled solutions comes from multiple research engagements in the last three years. We work with a mix of growth-stage companies, and established companies adding AI to an existing product portfolio. We see a common set of trends and implications for bringing an AI product to market.

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How to improve B2B customer retention rates

Retention has long been a focus for B2B product marketers. In a subscription business focused on ARR, customer retention is a key metric. Further, many B2B companies operate in finite markets that target a specific industry, account size, or other niche. A customer retention problem effectively reduces the market size and growth becomes unsustainable.

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Know your B2B buyer

In any part of the economic cycle, organizations that understand their customers and prospects achieve better results, whether measured by growth, profitability, or other metrics. The current pandemic recession highlights how quickly B2B buyer needs can evolve, and the need to ground decisions in accurate data.

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Segmentation tips for B2B marketers

Segmentation is a bedrock principle for effective marketing. Yet, B2B marketers often don’t invest in it. It may seem too expensive, too complicated, or too “consumer-ey”. Segmentation can be all of these things, but it doesn’t have to be. B2B marketers can build an effective baseline segmentation using internal data and straightforward analytics.

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Map your competitive differentiation: What can you own?

Differentiating your product or brand boils down to two simple questions. 1) What are your customer’s needs and buying criteria? And 2) which of these can your product/brand own? This post outlines a three-step process for mapping dimensions that will differentiate your brand and solution. The outcome provides a conceptual framework of your relative competitive differentiation.

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Has your customer journey changed course?

The customer journey always evolves. The change can be a slow and steady evolution. Or, the journey can shift dramatically based on sudden changes in market conditions. When the new normal settles in, one thing is guaranteed: The buying journey will be different than it was in January 2020. Do you know what changes will unfold in your customers’ journey?

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Do your personas need a recession update?

Personas are a mainstay in the toolbox for today’s B2B marketer. Personas should reflect who your customer is. And who they are in the second half of 2020 is not who they were in 2019.

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